Tag: Windows
All the articles with the tag "Windows".
Published: at 04:26 AM目前,很多基于对话框的应用程序中对话框都是不带框架的,也就是说对话框没有标题栏。众所周知,窗口的移动都是通过鼠标拖动窗口的标题栏来实现的,那么现在应用程序中的对话框没有了标题栏,用户如何移动对话框呢?本实例针对这个问题提出解决的办法。 实现方法 解决无标题...
Published: at 04:24 AM在用WTL的时候经常会遇到因为某某头文件没有包含而报错的问题,现将我常用的几个头文件列出来 define WTLUSECSTRING // 提前声明CString类 include <atlbase.h> // 基本的ATL类 include <atlapp.h> // 基本的WTL类 extern CAppModule Module; // WTL派...
Published: at 04:22 AM设置背景图片 ifndef BITMAPBKGNDH define BITMAPBKGNDH template <class T, UINT uBitmapID> class CBitmapBkgnd public CMessageMap { public CBitmapBkgnd() { mBitmap.LoadBitmap(uBitmapID); } CBitmapBkgnd() { mBitmap.DeleteObj...
Published: at 04:20 AMifndef LEARNOBJECTH define LEARNOBJECTH class CIniFile { public CIniFile() { } CIniFile() { } private wchart mpathMAXFNAME; public void InitConfigPath(const wchart filePath) { memset(mpath, 0, siz...
WTL CHyperLink类的用法
Published: at 04:19 AM包含atlctrlx.h头文件 声明一个CHyperLink类的变量 CHyperLink mlinkIntro; 在OnInitDialog函数里 mlinkIntro.SubclassWindow(GetDlgItem(IDCSTATICLINK)); DWORD linkStyle = mlinkIntro.GetHyperLinkExtendedStyle() HLINKCOMMANDBUTTON HLIN...
WTL 给一个对话框添加垂直滚动条
Published: at 04:11 AM消息映射宏 MESSAGEHANDLER(WMVSCROLL, OnVscroll) MESSAGEHANDLER(WMSIZE, OnSize) MESSAGEHANDLER(WMMOUSEWHEEL, OnMouseWheel) 在OnInitDialog里获取窗口的实际大小,以及初始化滚动条位置 GetWindowRect(mhWnd, &mwndRect); ScreenToClient(...
Published: at 04:09 AMgdiplus环境的初始化,在头文件 include <gdiplus.h> using namespace Gdiplus; pragma comment(lib, "gdiplus.lib") 定义两个成员变量 GdiplusStartupInput gdiplusStartupInput; ULONGPTR gdiplusToken; 构造函数里 GdiplusStartup(&gdiplusTo...
Published: at 04:06 AMint GetCustomerName(LPCTSTR szCustomerPath, CString strFileName) { int nFileCount = 0; WIN32FINDDATA finder; CString strCustomerFile(szCustomerPath); strCustomerFile += L"//.txt"; HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile(strCustomerFile...
electron demo
Published: at 01:50 PMelectron demo实例(http//img.blog.csdn.net/20160807112955997) 用electron框架做的一个demo程序,调用的数据来自showapi中的接口。 1. 入口main.js 在app on ready回调中初始化菜单,主窗口,托盘,主页面index.html const electron = require('electro...
Published: at 03:16 AMQt Charts module provides a set of easy to use chart components. It uses the Qt Graphics View Framework, therefore charts can be easily integrated to modern user interfaces. Qt Charts can be used as QWidgets, QGraphicsWidget, or QML types. Users can ...